About aido

We are Japanese owned label based in Berlin, Germany. 

We have experienced suffering from the itchiness and discomfort caused by products that touch the skin. That is why we decided to spread aido from the desire to make something that is kind to the skin. We carefully selected the fabrics with the aim of making it comfortable to wear every time, and we also paid particular attention to the design pattern so that we can enjoy sanitary products just like we enjoy fashion. The products are handmade one by one by our Japanese designer.


Awareness (health)

Made for all skin types & health. Highly recommendable for those who have sensitive skins. To realise how organic textile makes a difference for your skin and health.  

Awareness (ecology)

For those who are currently using disposable products & those who just have started using reusable products. Know that there are other options from the perspective that taking disposable products for granted.

Awareness (lifestyle)

From easy lifestyle to sensible lifestyle. Be aware that what is good for you and what is taking time and effort are inseparable. 

Our Product

Cotton Mask

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