About Our Products


Why organic cotton

Our skin reacts to a particular substance or circumstance. Especially those who have sensitive skin or atopic skin, we need to be careful particularly with every day belongings which touch our skin directly. Not only the texture of the cloth but also residual chemicals used in the process of manufacturing are the cause of skin trouble such as itchiness or irritation. Organic cotton is natural which means it is treated with a minimal amount of chemicals during the manufacturing process. So that it is a very safe cloth for our skin.

German organic cotton

Although organic cotton is safer cloth for our skin than other fabrics, not all organic cotton are safe. Even if the plant is taken care with a less agricultural chemical, a certain amount of chemicals is used on the process of manufacturing for mass-produced organic cotton. Therefore, we carefully chose our material from a trusted manufacturer which only passed a high level of organic standard in Germany.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

We use GOTS certified fabric for our PURE series. GOTS is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. From the harvesting of the raw materials, environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing to labelling, textiles certified to GOTS provide a credible assurance to the consumer. GOTS was founded by four well-reputed organisations: Organic Trade Association (OTA, USA), Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft (IVN, Germany), The Soil Association (UK) and Japan Organic Cotton Association (JOCA, Japan). 

To learn more about GOTS: https://www.global-standard.org/the-standard

Structure of aido pad


Our aido Lunar Pad is structured with 3 layers of fabrics. Outer layers are organic cotton / linen fabrics which give the skin a natural touch. We use a pile fabric with good water absorption for an inner layer. We do not use water-absorbent fabric such as polyester or polypropylene or waterproof material such as polyurethane to avoid causing skin itchiness or irritation that may occur due to poor breathability.

Our 3 layers fabric pad absorbs the flow without uncomfortableness on skin. 

Made to last with love


Our products are handmade by our designer one by one in our Berlin studio. We sew and ship from Germany to your hand. We make each one with all our heart, all the more for our “made to last” products. The time has come to choose your sanitary products just like you choose your lingerie by quality and design.